"I'm willing step out in Faith-I just want to know that's what you want
me to do."
I wrote that line in one of my prayer journals during a time
when I was intensely seeking God's plan for my life. I remember that
when I uttered that prayer to God the thought seemed perfectly logical,
noble even. Here I was, willingly telling my Father that I'd be happy
to follow his directions-if he'd just light the road ahead with a
burning bush or two.
You see a relationship with God, more so than any other
relationship, is based on trust. We can't see God, or feel him, and
most of the time when he speaks, he doesn't use an audible voice
accompanied by an earthquake or a celestial spotlight. But in order to
experience him, we have to make the intentional decision to trust our
lives to someone we've never physically met.
Which brings me back to the line from my prayer journal. On
Sunday, Andy said, "None of us will ever stumble into Faith. Faith
isn't going to just happen." Another pastor friend of mine expressed
similar sentiments when he said, "I think a lot of people look for God
to work first, then step out in Faith. Some of the dramatic works of
God in the Bible were like that...but by far the normal pattern is that
God's people make choices to serve him using wisdom they've gained from
the Bible, godly friends, mentors, and life experiences."
Both of these friends were trying to tell me that life with God
can only be lived through trust and that the decision to trust must be
made in Faith. Faith that God has a story for my life if I'll just
reach out and grab it.
So what about you? Do you trust Him or are you still just
stumbling along? Imagine what your life could look like if you'd just
muster the courage to take that first step. Join me-let's experience
this together.
- Don
* Andy said that the story of the Bible is a story of trust. How
does trust play into your relationship with God?
* Can you think of a time when God did something amazing in your
life once you decided to trust him? Share it.
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